Full Record – Author

Ref Type: Journal Article

Authors: Tucker-Raymond,Caleb,

Title: The next wave for virtual reference

Publication Full: OLA Quarterly

Year: 2004 Volume: 10 Issue: 2

Start Page: 10 Other Pages: NULL

Descriptors: LIBRARY information networks, INFORMATION services, INTERNET, INTERNET searching, LIBRARIANS, INSTANT messaging, ONLINE chat groups,


This article focuses on the virtual reference services. The Internet has an advantage because it is knowable. Search engine Google presents search results in concise and compact sets of ten resources, each with a title and brief description, sorted by relevancy. With this frame, the Internet is easy to grasp and manipulate. For the purposes of day-to-day use and ready reference, most library patrons have mastered it. Internet searches are not as authoritative as a librarian. However, Internet searches are just as fast as librarians, and often faster, and have the added advantage of being available almost everywhere you go. One can't compete with instant gratification, but libraries are certainly knowable (given some time), and one can make himself available online through chat reference services such as L-net (www.oregonlibraries.net). As it turns out, instant messaging and chat software are also technologies that many patrons have mastered, and some may even know more about these than they do libraries.


M3: Article; Tucker-Raymond, Caleb; Source Info: Fall2004, Vol. 10 Issue 2/3, p10; Thesaurus Term: LIBRARY information networks; Thesaurus Term: INFORMATION services; Thesaurus Term: INTERNET; Thesaurus Term: INTERNET searching; Thesaurus Term: LIBRARIANS; Thesaurus Term: INSTANT messaging; Thesaurus Term: ONLINE chat groups; Number of Pages: 1p. Document Type: Article

Links: NULL

Extra Data: NULL


Retrieved Date:January 1, 1970

Editors: NULL

Book Title: NULL

Series Title: NULL

Publisher: NULL

Place Of Publication: NULL

Issn Isbn: 10937374