Full Record – Author

Ref Type: Journal Article

Authors: Elias,Tana, Morrill,Stef,

Title: Our virtual reference training camp

Publication Full: Computers in Libraries

Year: 2003 Volume: 23 Issue: 4

Start Page: 10 Other Pages: 12, 70-72

Descriptors: ELECTRONIC reference services (Libraries), CAD/CAM systems, EVALUATION, CONSORTIA, ONLINE chat groups, PUBLIC libraries, VOICE mail systems, WISCONSIN, Practical methods, MCGLAMERY, Susan,


Virtual reference, or electronic reference services, are becoming a reality in many libraries, from single libraries offering chat reference to statewide and international consortia using sophisticated software. Tells the story of how the Madison (WI) Public Library (with nine locations within the city) and the South Central (WI) Library System (with 50 public libraries in seven counties in both rural and urban communities) decided to test the major virtual reference vendors' products before committing to live reference. Details how three of them were given a real workout during several months of trials and training before one was selected to make the 'final cut.' The virtual reference systems tested include the Virtual Reference Toolkit by LSSI Library Systems & Services; 24/7 Reference by 24/7 Reference; and OnDemand by Convey Systems.


M3: Article; Accession Number: 9401326; Elias, Tana 1; Email Address: telias@scls.lib.wi.us; Morrill, Stef 2; Email Address: smorrill@scls.lib.wi.us; Affiliations: 1: Madison Public Library, Madison, WI 2: South Central Library System, Madison, WI Source Info: Apr2003, Vol. 23 Issue 4, p10; Note: Publisher's URL: http://www.infotoday.com; Note: Publisher: Information Today Inc.; Note: Update Code: 3806; Subject Term: ELECTRONIC reference services (Libraries); Subject Term: CAD/CAM systems; Subject Term: EVALUATION; Subject Term: CONSORTIA; Subject Term: ONLINE chat groups; Subject Term: PUBLIC libraries; Subject Term: VOICE mail systems; Subject Term: WISCONSIN; Author-Supplied Keyword: Practical methods; Number of Pages: 6p; Illustrations: 3c. Document Type: Article

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Retrieved Date:January 1, 1970

Editors: NULL

Book Title: NULL

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Publisher: Information Today Inc

Place Of Publication: NULL

Issn Isbn: 10417915