Full Record – Author

Ref Type: Conference Proceedings

Authors: Folger,Kathleen M.,

Title: The virtual librarian: Using desktop videoconferencing to provide interactive reference assistance

Publication Full: NULL

Year: 1997 Volume: NULL Issue: NULL

Start Page: NULL Other Pages: NULL

Descriptors: NULL


Recent technological innovations have made videoconferencing much more affordable and accessible than in the past. Room-based systems that cost thousands of dollars are now being replaced by software programs that work on standard desktop computers. In a joint project at the University of Michigan, the Shapiro Undergraduate Library and the Residence Hall Libraries collaborated to use a desktop videoconferencing program to provide reference service to students located in residence halls across the campus. This paper provides an overview of desktop videoconferencing technology, discusses the University of Michigan project, and considers the future of this technology in libraries.


ID: 211

Links: http://www.ala.org/ala/acrlbucket/nashville1997pap/folger.cfm

Extra Data: Nashville, Tennessee


Retrieved Date:March 5, 2008

Editors: NULL

Book Title: 1997 ACRL National Conference

Series Title: NULL

Publisher: NULL

Place Of Publication: NULL

Issn Isbn: NULL