Full Record – Author

Ref Type: Journal Article

Authors: McGraw,Kathleen A., Heiland,Jennifer, Harris,Julianna C.,

Title: Promotion and evaluation of a virtual reference service

Publication Full: Medical Reference Services Quarterly

Year: 2003 Volume: 22 Issue: 2

Start Page: 41 Other Pages: 56

Descriptors: NULL


The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Health
Sciences Library began providing virtual live reference service in the fall
of 2001. The library was interested in exploring new ways to interact
with users accessing electronic resources from outside the library. This
article describes the background for starting the service, the methods
used to promote the service, and the results of an evaluation conducted
after the first seven months of operation. The service was lightly used
during these months with only 82 interactions. Ananalysis of the tran-
scripts examined referring Webpages, types of questions asked, soft-
ware features used, anduser logindata. Text of two user surveys is
included, with the data from the in-person survey analyzed.[Articlecop-
ies available for afee fromThe HaworthDocument Delivery Service:
1-800-HAWORTH. E-mail address:<docdelivery@haworthpress.com>Website:



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Retrieved Date:January 1, 1970

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