Full Record – Author

Ref Type: Journal Article

Authors: Mess,John A.,

Title: "I want an expert, not a librarian": expert advisory services, library reference, and knowledge economics on the internet.

Publication Full: Internet Reference Services Quarterly

Year: 2001 Volume: 6 Issue: 1

Start Page: 49 Other Pages: 67

Descriptors: NULL


The Internet is a complex environment where endless ser-
vices seem to be offered freely.The rise and dramatic fall of e-businesses
is a testimony of the ficklee-market which does have a monetary side.
Yet libraries are compelled to compete.The growing roles of knowledge
management and knowledge economies impact libraries and their ser-
vices.For the library in the networked world,the key question is“What
is the knowledge value of inherent goodness?”Librarians must ask
themselves, “Is directing anadequate replacementfor knowing?”[Arti-
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Retrieved Date:January 1, 1970

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