Full Record – Author

Ref Type: Journal Article

Authors: Oder,Norman,

Title: The shape of e-reference

Publication Full: Library Journal

Year: 2001 Volume: 126 Issue: 2

Start Page: 46 Other Pages: 50

Descriptors: Reference services/Automation, Library & Information Science, Education,


The Internet has changed the scale and the boundaries of library expansion beyond the limits of the building. Many libraries have started to offer e-mail reference that allows them to respond to patrons' questions within hours or days. Some libraries use or have adapted chat or commercial call center software to communicate with surfers in real time and to send Web resources to their browser. Furthermore, library advances in technology have been paralleled by advances in collaboration.


PD: Illustration

Links: NULL

Extra Data: NULL


Retrieved Date:January 1, 1970

Editors: NULL

Book Title: NULL

Series Title: NULL

Publisher: NULL

Place Of Publication: NULL

Issn Isbn: 0363-0277