Full Record – Author

Ref Type: Journal Article

Authors: Peters,Thomas A.,

Title: E-reference: How consortia add value

Publication Full: The Journal of Academic Librarianship

Year: 2002 Volume: 28 Issue: 4

Start Page: 248 Other Pages: 250

Descriptors: Cooperation/College and university libraries, Networks of libraries/Reference services, Reference services/Automation, Education, Library & Information Science,


The writer discusses how consortia add value to e-reference, also known as virtual, digital, live, and chat reference. Library consortia are working with their member libraries, the vendor community, national libraries, library organizations, the higher education community, and networked information users to explore how reference can continue to move into online environments. They are pursuing "traditional" consortial deals for the group purchase or lease of e-reference software; are becoming trusted hosts for collaborative e-reference services; are involved in planning, testing, information gathering, and marketplace scans in preparation for e-reference services; and are helping with the backroom production efforts needed to support e-reference pilot projects and ongoing programs.


ID: 311; PD: Bibliographic footnotes

Links: NULL

Extra Data: NULL


Retrieved Date:January 1, 1970

Editors: NULL

Book Title: NULL

Series Title: NULL

Publisher: NULL

Place Of Publication: NULL

Issn Isbn: 0099-1333