Ref Type: Journal Article
Authors: Stigall,Lisa,
Title: LOUIS column
Publication Full: Louisiana Libraries
Year: 2006 Volume: 69 Issue: 2
Start Page: 6 Other Pages: 6
Descriptors: ELECTRONIC reference services (Libraries), REFERENCE services (Libraries), COMPUTER network resources, ELECTRONIC mail systems, INFORMATION storage & retrieval systems, ACADEMIC libraries, PUBLIC institutions, LOUISIANA, ONLINE Computer Library Center Inc,
The article focuses on the implementation of the QuestionPoint virtual reference service pilot by the Online Computer Library Center Inc. and the Digital Reference Committee of the Louisiana Academic Library Information Network Consortium. The QuestionPoint was designed for those academic libraries directly affected by hurricanes Katrina and Rita. The reference service would provide all hours of chat coverage to interested parties without fees. Libraries utilized the mentioned services through receiving statistics information, reference email and follow-up request for its specific purposes.
M3: Article; Stigall, Lisa 1; Affiliations: 1: Consortium Systems Librarian, Louisiana Library Network, Boston Rouge Source Info: Fall2006, Vol. 69 Issue 2, p6; Thesaurus Term: ELECTRONIC reference services (Libraries); Thesaurus Term: REFERENCE services (Libraries); Thesaurus Term: COMPUTER network resources; Thesaurus Term: ELECTRONIC mail systems; Thesaurus Term: INFORMATION storage & retrieval systems; Thesaurus Term: ACADEMIC libraries; Subject Term: PUBLIC institutions; Subject Term: LOUISIANA; Number of Pages: 1p. Document Type: Article
Links: NULL
Extra Data: NULL
Retrieved Date:January 1, 1970
Editors: NULL
Book Title: NULL
Series Title: NULL
Publisher: Louisiana Library Association
Place Of Publication: NULL
Issn Isbn: 15352102