Ref Type: Journal Article
Authors: Trott,Barry,
Title: Advising readers online
Publication Full: Reference & User Services Quarterly
Year: 2005 Volume: 44 Issue: 3
Start Page: 210 Other Pages: 215
Descriptors: REFERENCE services (Libraries), LIBRARIES & the Internet, INTERNET access for library users, ELECTRONIC information resources, LIBRARIES,
This article looks at Internet-based reading recommendation services. The past five years have seen a continued growth in the availability of reading resources on the Internet. While many of the pioneering resources, such as genre fiction Web sites and fan-built author sites, have been allowed to fade away by their creators, others have sprung up to take their place. Online booksellers and publishers are continuing to expand their resources to attract and support readers. This expansion of reading resources on the Internet has not been the sole responsibility of commercial entities or fan groups. Libraries have taken an active role in providing resources to their readers and to the broader reading community through the Internet from its inception, and they continue to expand their online reading resources in a variety of ways. Libraries are taking two approaches to providing readers' active advisory services online, either synchronous (chat based) or asynchronous (e-mail based). These approaches mirror the methods used by libraries that offer virtual reference services and each method has its advantages and potential concerns. In either case, starting an online reading suggestion service offers several opportunities for libraries, and may provide advantages to readers as well.
M3: Article; Trott, Barry 1; Email Address:; Affiliations: 1: Adult Services Director, Williamsburg Regional Library, Virginia Source Info: Spring2005, Vol. 44 Issue 3, p210; Thesaurus Term: REFERENCE services (Libraries); Thesaurus Term: LIBRARIES & the Internet; Thesaurus Term: INTERNET access for library users; Thesaurus Term: ELECTRONIC information resources; Thesaurus Term: LIBRARIES; Number of Pages: 6p; Illustrations: 1 chart. Document Type: Article
Links: NULL
Extra Data: NULL
Retrieved Date:January 1, 1970
Editors: NULL
Book Title: NULL
Series Title: NULL
Publisher: American Library Association
Place Of Publication: NULL
Issn Isbn: 10949054