Full Record – Author

Ref Type: Journal Article

Authors: West,Jessamyn,

Title: Information for sale: My experience with google answers

Publication Full: Searcher

Year: 2002 Volume: 10 Issue: 9

Start Page: NULL Other Pages: NULL

Descriptors: NULL


When your resume and business card say "freelance librarian" people are often interested in what you do for a living. Finding the right niche in a tough job market can be a challenge. When Google Answers started accepting applications for researchers for their online question-answering service in April, I thought I'd found my match.
Still in beta at press time, Google Answers is a fee-based, question-answering service. If you have a question, you can post it, set a price for it, and sit back and await a response. An answer can currently cost from $2.50 to $200 � originally $4 to $50 � with the researcher receiving 75 percent of the amount bid, once the question is answered to the asker's satisfaction. The interface also allows for comments, so that people not approved as researchers, or who may not have the entire answer to a question, can chime in with additional information. This process of knowledge accumulation and storage has been likened to "a paid version of Usenet" without all the spam [http://a.wholelottanothing.org/archived.blah/06/01/02#913]. Google owns the answers that researchers and commenters provide. Since Google also owns the Deja News Usenet archive, this direction seems like a logical progression for them.



Links: http://web.archive.org/web/20070420052900/www.infotoday.com/searcher/oct02/west.htm

Extra Data: NULL


Retrieved Date:January 1, 1970

Editors: NULL

Book Title: NULL

Series Title: NULL

Publisher: NULL

Place Of Publication: NULL

Issn Isbn: NULL