Ref Type: Journal Article
Authors: NULL
Title: Building a service that they want
Publication Full: inCite
Year: 2005 Volume: 26 Issue: 11
Start Page: 13 Other Pages: NULL
Descriptors: INTERNET in library reference services, VIRTUAL communities, WEB sites, INTERNET users, ONLINE chat groups, ONLINE information services, AUSTRALIA,
The article provides information on AskNow! virtual reference service in Australia. Web site of the service is given. An observation of usage patterns of AskNow! is provided. Service operators are using the chat room technology and locating online resources in reference sections for a number of minutes.
M3: Article; Source Info: Nov2005, Vol. 26 Issue 11, p13; Thesaurus Term: INTERNET in library reference services; Thesaurus Term: VIRTUAL communities; Thesaurus Term: WEB sites; Thesaurus Term: INTERNET users; Thesaurus Term: ONLINE chat groups; Thesaurus Term: ONLINE information services; Subject Term: AUSTRALIA; Number of Pages: 1/4p. Document Type: Article
Extra Data: NULL
Retrieved Date:January 1, 1970
Editors: NULL
Book Title: NULL
Series Title: NULL
Publisher: Australian Library & Information Association
Place Of Publication: NULL
Issn Isbn: 1580876
URL: [20]
Retrieved Date:[35]
Editors: [36]
Book Title: [37]
Series Title: [38]
Publisher: [39]
Place Of Publication: [40]
Issn Isbn: [41]