Ref Type: Journal Article
Authors: Bennett,Blythe Allison,
Title: Gendered questions: asking for directions on the information highway
Publication Full: Knowledge Quest
Year: 1998 Volume: 27 Issue: 2
Start Page: 24 Other Pages: 25
Descriptors: Reference work, Internet, Children, Query formulation, Gender,
Attempts to analyse in terms of gender the questions received by KidsConnect, an Internet reference and enquiry service for children, and a component of ICONnect, a technology initiative of the American Association of School Librarians. Reports on patterns observed in the types of questions that boys and girls ask, and discusses the general tendency noted for more girls than boys to make enquiries. Also presents a number of suggestions for promoting an egalitarian environment for the use of IT by boys and girls.
Links: NULL
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Retrieved Date:January 1, 1970
Editors: NULL
Book Title: NULL
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Publisher: NULL
Place Of Publication: NULL
Issn Isbn: 1094-0946
URL: [20]
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