Ref Type: Journal Article
Authors: Janes,Joseph,
Title: Digital reference: Reference librarians' experiences and attitudes
Publication Full: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology
Year: 2002 Volume: 53 Issue: 7
Start Page: 549 Other Pages: 566
Descriptors: NULL
This article reports the results of a survey of reference librarians in public and academic libraries of various sizes in the United States, asking them about their experiences with and attitudes towards the use of digital and networked technologies and resources in reference work. A total of 648 responded. In general, respondents were positive and optimistic in their outlook, but not unreservedly so. Among the strongest findings was a correlation between recent experience at doing digital reference and positive attitudes towards it, a clear set of opinions about what such services would be best and worst at, and differing perspectives and patterns of responses between academic and public librarians. In addition, questions asking about characteristics of librarians, their current and planned reference services, and some of their professional choices in doing reference work are reported.
id: 166; CP: Copyright © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.; PN: 1532-2882
Links: NULL
Extra Data: NULL
Retrieved Date:January 1, 1970
Editors: NULL
Book Title: NULL
Series Title: NULL
Publisher: NULL
Place Of Publication: NULL
Issn Isbn: 1532-2890
URL: [20]
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