Full Record – Year

Ref Type: Journal Article

Authors: McGlamery,Susan, Coffman,Steve,

Title: Moving reference to the web

Publication Full: Reference & User Services Quarterly

Year: 2000 Volume: 39 Issue: 4

Start Page: 380 Other Pages: 387

Descriptors: ELECTRONIC reference sources, REFERENCE sources, REFERENCE services (Libraries), SOFTWARE,


Explores the possibility of using Web contact center software to offer reference assistance to remote users. Experiments with reference on the Web; Functionality of the Web contact center software; Information on how libraries might use the software; Concept of virtual reference network.


M3: Article; McGlamery, Susan Coffman, Steve; Source Info: Summer2000, Vol. 39 Issue 4, p380; Subject Term: ELECTRONIC reference sources; Subject Term: REFERENCE sources; Subject Term: REFERENCE services (Libraries); Subject Term: SOFTWARE; NAICS/Industry Codes: 519120 Libraries and Archives; Number of Pages: 7p; Document Type: Article

Links: NULL

Extra Data: NULL


Retrieved Date:January 1, 1970

Editors: NULL

Book Title: NULL

Series Title: NULL

Publisher: NULL

Place Of Publication: NULL

Issn Isbn: 10949054

URL: [20]

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