Ref Type: Journal Article
Authors: Polanka,Sue,
Title: Options for the e-reference collection
Publication Full: Booklist
Year: 2007 Volume: 104 Issue: 5
Start Page: 84 Other Pages: 85
Descriptors: ELECTRONIC reference sources, ONLINE information services, LIBRARIES, REFERENCE books, INFORMATION resources, UNIVERSITIES & colleges, ACADEMIC libraries, COMPUTER network resources,
This article discusses five options that were researched for the electronic reference collection for the academic and public library market. The resources evaluated in the article include the Gale Virtual Reference Library, the Greenwood Digital Collection, and Oxford Reference Online. Each resource is broken down by the number of titles available, the cost of the resource for a four-year college university, and content specifics.
M3: Article; Polanka, Sue; Source Info: 11/1/2007, Vol. 104 Issue 5, p84; Thesaurus Term: ELECTRONIC reference sources; Thesaurus Term: ONLINE information services; Thesaurus Term: LIBRARIES; Thesaurus Term: REFERENCE books; Thesaurus Term: INFORMATION resources; Thesaurus Term: UNIVERSITIES & colleges; Thesaurus Term: ACADEMIC libraries; Thesaurus Term: COMPUTER network resources; Number of Pages: 2p; Illustrations: 2 charts. Document Type: Article
Links: NULL
Extra Data: NULL
Retrieved Date:January 1, 1970
Editors: NULL
Book Title: NULL
Series Title: NULL
Publisher: American Library Association / Booklist Publications
Place Of Publication: NULL
Issn Isbn: 67385
URL: [20]
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