Ref Type: Journal Article
Authors: Pomerantz, Jeffrey, Luo,Lili,
Title: Motivations and uses: evaluating virtual reference service from the users’ perspective
Publication Full: Library & Information Science Research
Year: 2006 Volume: 28 Issue: 3
Start Page: 350 Other Pages: 373
Descriptors: NULL
The questions of whether chat reference service is beneficial enough to users to justify the costs of offering it, and how valuable it is to users in fulfilling their information needs, have been primary concerns for librarians providing the service, for library administrators managing the service, and for funding agencies paying for it. The present study combines a traditional evaluation of the user’s satisfaction with the reference encounter, with details of the user’s information use and the user’s motivation for using the chat reference service. This evaluation study assesses the effectiveness of chat reference service in meeting users’ information needs.
id: 182
Links: NULL
Extra Data: NULL
Retrieved Date:January 1, 1970
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