Ref Type: Journal Article
Authors: Rosenblatt,Susan,
Title: Information technology investments in research libraries
Publication Full: Educom Review
Year: 1999 Volume: 34 Issue: 4
Start Page: 28 Other Pages: 35
Descriptors: RESEARCH libraries, INFORMATION technology,
Focuses on research libraries' efforts to invest in information technology (IT), beginning with the automation of cataloging and circulation. Introduction of IT to research libraries; Assessment of the outcome of IT investments; Libraries' active development of Web-based resources and services; Library users' changing expectations; Uncertainty about how to make wise IT investments in the future.
ID: 264; M3: Article; Rosenblatt, Susan; Source Info: Jul/Aug99, Vol. 34 Issue 4, p28; Subject Term: RESEARCH libraries; Subject Term: INFORMATION technology; NAICS/Industry Codes: 519120 Libraries and Archives; Number of Pages: 8p; Document Type: Article; Full Text Word Count: 5074
Links: NULL
Extra Data: NULL
Retrieved Date:January 1, 1970
Editors: NULL
Book Title: NULL
Series Title: NULL
Publisher: EDUCAUSE
Place Of Publication: NULL
Issn Isbn: 10459146
URL: [20]
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