Ref Type: Journal Article
Authors: Thompson,Joseph,
Title: After school and online
Publication Full: Library Journal
Year: 2003 Volume: 128 Issue: Netconnect Winter
Start Page: 35 Other Pages: 37
Descriptors: Internet/Public libraries, Internet/Maryland, Children’s library services/Maryland, Children’s library services/Reference services, Harford County Library (Md.), Baltimore County Public Library (Md.), Baltimore County Public Library (Md.)/Reference services, Harford County Library (Md.)/Reference services, Education, Library & Information Science,
AskUsNow! is a pilot program that targets a chat reference service to children and young adults at Baltimore County Public Library and Harford County Public Library in Central Maryland. Details of how the libraries obtained funding for the project, designed the service, overcame technology hurdles, met the children's unique needs, determined what students want, and ensured software could work with their intended user group are provided.
PD: Illustration
Links: NULL
Extra Data: NULL
Retrieved Date:January 1, 1970
Editors: NULL
Book Title: NULL
Series Title: NULL
Publisher: NULL
Place Of Publication: NULL
Issn Isbn: 0363-0277
URL: [20]
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Editors: [36]
Book Title: [37]
Series Title: [38]
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Issn Isbn: [41]