Full Record – Year

Ref Type: Report

Authors: Tuining,Joyce A.,

Title: Live Virtual Reference. Topical Brief

Publication Full: NULL

Year: 2003 Volume: NULL Issue: NULL

Start Page: NULL Other Pages: NULL

Descriptors: NULL





Links: http://www.globalknowledge.org/gkps_portal/thematic.cfm?&menuid=229&thematicid=7&action=ThResView&ResId=675&type=17

Extra Data: NULL

URL: http://www.globalknowledge.org/gkps_portal/thematic.cfm?&menuid=229&thematicid=7&action=ThResView&ResId=675&type=17

Retrieved Date:January 1, 1970

Editors: NULL

Book Title: NULL

Series Title: NULL

Publisher: Congress of Southeast Asian Libraries

Place Of Publication: NULL

Issn Isbn: NULL

URL: [20]

Retrieved Date:[35]

Editors: [36]

Book Title: [37]

Series Title: [38]

Publisher: [39]

Place Of Publication: [40]

Issn Isbn: [41]