Ref Type: Journal Article
Authors: Weissman,Sara,
Title: Shoptalk: Answers to real world problems
Publication Full: Library Journal
Year: 2000 Volume: 125 Issue: 1
Start Page: 28 Other Pages: NULL
Descriptors: ELECTRONIC reference services (Libraries), REFERENCE services (Libraries), COMPUTER network resources, ELECTRONIC information resources,
Offers questions and answers, advice and concerns regarding electronic references. Models to follow such as the Virtual Reference Desk project; Efforts of the Library of Congress; Training a staff.; Offers questions and answers, advice and concerns regarding electronic references. Models to follow such as the Virtual Reference Desk project; Efforts of the Library of Congress; Training a staff.
M3: Article; Source Information: Winter2000 Net Connect, Vol. 125 Issue 1, p28; Subject Term: ELECTRONIC reference services (Libraries); Subject Term: REFERENCE services (Libraries); Subject Term: COMPUTER network resources; Subject Term: ELECTRONIC information resources; Number of Pages: 1p; Illustrations: 1c; Document Type: Article; Full Text Word Count: 912
Links: NULL
Extra Data: NULL
Retrieved Date:January 1, 1970
Editors: NULL
Book Title: NULL
Series Title: NULL
Publisher: Reed Business Information / Reviews
Place Of Publication: NULL
Issn Isbn: 3630277
URL: [20]
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Editors: [36]
Book Title: [37]
Series Title: [38]
Publisher: [39]
Place Of Publication: [40]
Issn Isbn: [41]