Full Record – Year

Ref Type: Journal Article

Authors: West,Jessamyn,

Title: Google Answers Is Not the Answer

Publication Full: American Libraries

Year: 2003 Volume: 34 Issue: 6

Start Page: 54 Other Pages: 56

Descriptors: INFORMATION services, INFORMATION retrieval, WEB sites, INTERNET, INFORMATION professionals,


Examines Google Answers, a fee-based reference service. Reason pay-to-play sites seem to suffer almost universally; Sample of ask-a-question sites; Number of researchers of Google Answers; Reason people do not use Google Answers.; Examines Google Answers, a fee-based reference service. Reason pay-to-play sites seem to suffer almost universally; Sample of ask-a-question sites; Number of researchers of Google Answers; Reason people do not use Google Answers.


M3: Article; West, Jessamyn; Source Information: Jun/Jul2003, Vol. 34 Issue 6, p54; Subject Term: INFORMATION services; Subject Term: INFORMATION retrieval; Subject Term: WEB sites; Subject Term: INTERNET; Subject Term: INFORMATION professionals; NAICS/Industry Codes: 519190 All Other Information Services; NAICS/Industry Codes: 516110 Internet Publishing and Broadcasting; NAICS/Industry Codes: 518111 Internet Service Providers; Number of Pages: 3p; Illustrations: 1c; Document Type: Article; Full Text Word Count: 1499

Links: http://search.ebscohost.com.proxy.libraries.rutgers.edu/login.aspx?direct=true&db=aph&AN=9923342&site=ehost-live

Extra Data: NULL


Retrieved Date:January 1, 1970

Editors: NULL

Book Title: NULL

Series Title: NULL

Publisher: American Library Association

Place Of Publication: NULL

Issn Isbn: 29769

URL: [20]

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