Ref Type: Journal Article
Authors: Zanin-Yost,Alessia,
Title: Digital reference: What the past has taught us and what the future will hold
Publication Full: Library Philosophy & Practice
Year: 2004 Volume: 7 Issue: 1
Start Page: 1 Other Pages: 16
Descriptors: ELECTRONIC reference services (Libraries), ACADEMIC libraries, LIBRARIANS, ACADEMIC libraries — Administration, United States, PUBLIC institutions,
The article cites a study which discusses issues related to the use of digital/virtual reference in academic libraries in the U.S. The first section of the article clarifies the terms "digital reference" and "virtual reference," which are often used interchangeably, and explains the slight difference between the two. The second section provides a brief history of the evolution of digital reference. Section three explains how digital reference works, and section four discusses the implications for users and librarians. The last section offers speculations about the future potential for digital/virtual reference.
M3: Article; Zanin-Yost, Alessia 1; Affiliations: 1: Reference Librarian, Libraries Montana State University , Bozeman, P.O. Box 173320, Bozeman, MT 59717-3320. Source Info: Fall2004, Vol. 7 Issue 1, p1; Thesaurus Term: ELECTRONIC reference services (Libraries); Thesaurus Term: ACADEMIC libraries; Thesaurus Term: LIBRARIANS; Thesaurus Term: ACADEMIC libraries — Administration; Subject Term: United States; Subject Term: PUBLIC institutions; Subject Term: UNITED States; Number of Pages: 16p. Document Type: Article
Links: NULL
Extra Data: NULL
Retrieved Date:January 1, 1970
Editors: NULL
Book Title: NULL
Series Title: NULL
Publisher: Library Philosophy & Practice
Place Of Publication: NULL
Issn Isbn: 15220222
URL: [20]
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