Ref Type: Journal Article
Authors: Bristow,Ann, Buechley,Mary,
Title: Academic reference service over e-mail: An update
Publication Full: College & Research Libraries News
Year: 1995 Volume: 56 Issue: 7
Start Page: 459 Other Pages: 462
Descriptors: REFERENCE services (Libraries), ELECTRONIC mail systems, WORLD Wide Web, INFORMATION services, TECHNOLOGICAL innovations,
Presents updated information on academic reference service over e-mail. Beginning made in the Indiana University, Bloomington; Future; Information on World Wide Web; Conclusion.
M3: Article; Bristow, Ann; Buechley, Mary; Source Info: Jul/Aug95, Vol. 56 Issue 7, p459; Thesaurus Term: REFERENCE services (Libraries); Thesaurus Term: ELECTRONIC mail systems; Thesaurus Term: WORLD Wide Web; Thesaurus Term: INFORMATION services; Thesaurus Term: TECHNOLOGICAL innovations; Number of Pages: 4p. Document Type: Article
Extra Data: NULL
Retrieved Date:January 1, 1970
Editors: NULL
Book Title: NULL
Series Title: NULL
Publisher: NULL
Place Of Publication: NULL
Issn Isbn: 990086
URL: [20]
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