Full Record – Year

Ref Type: Journal Article

Authors: Carpenter,Cathy, Renfro,Crystal,

Title: Twelve years of online reference services at Georgia Tech: where we have been and where we are going

Publication Full: Georgia Library Quarterly

Year: 2007 Volume: 44 Issue: 2

Start Page: 6 Other Pages: 9

Descriptors: ACADEMIC libraries, ELECTRONIC reference services (Libraries), LIBRARIES — Automation, ELECTRONIC mail messages, ONLINE chat groups, VERTICAL files (Libraries), GEORGIA Institute of Technology (Atlanta, Ga.),


The article offers information about the Georgia Institute of Technology Library in Atlanta, Georgia, which is a pioneer in delivering virtual reference. The Library has initiated the ASK a Librarian service in 1994, an e-mail-based electronic reference service which became popular and has received 297 questions during the first year of its implementation. It has also launched the real time or virtual reference in 1999 using the America Online's Instant Messenger chat software. In August 2003, the library purchased Questionpoint to use as a virtual reference system, which enabled the referral of e-mail questions to other librarians and good tracking of questions.


M3: Article; Carpenter, Cathy 1; Renfro, Crystal 1; Affiliations: 1: Reference and subject librarians, Georgia Tech Library and Information Center, Atlanta Source Info: Summer2007, Vol. 44 Issue 2, p6; Thesaurus Term: ACADEMIC libraries; Thesaurus Term: ELECTRONIC reference services (Libraries); Thesaurus Term: LIBRARIES — Automation; Thesaurus Term: ELECTRONIC mail messages; Thesaurus Term: ONLINE chat groups; Thesaurus Term: VERTICAL files (Libraries); Subject Term: GEORGIA Institute of Technology (Atlanta, Ga.); Number of Pages: 4p; Illustrations: 1 graph. Document Type: Article

Links: NULL

Extra Data: NULL


Retrieved Date:January 1, 1970

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Issn Isbn: 168319

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