Ref Type: Journal Article
Authors: Engle,M. O.,
Title: Using World Wide Web software for reference and instruction
Publication Full: Internet Reference Services Quarterly
Year: 1996 Volume: 1 Issue: 2
Start Page: 7 Other Pages: 15
Descriptors: LIBRARY orientation, INTERNET, LIBRARIANS, Library instruction,
Librarians have offered reference and instruction services at the reference desk and in classrooms for many years. Now a third location, the network, is emerging as a viable place for reference and instruction. The widespread availability of software to browse, create, edit, and serve World Wide Web pages has opened exciting new opportunities for teaching librarians. With this software and the proliferation of networked personal computers in colleges and universities, it is possible to deliver reference and instruction to library users at their own computers. Suggestions and guidelines for creating Web pages are offered. In the future, the Web technology may include asynchronous interactive participation in the teaching-learning process by students, instructors, and librarians.
M3: Article; Accession Number: ISTA3103751; Engle, M O 1; Affiliations: 1: Cornell Univ. Library, Ithaca, NY Source Info: 1996, Vol. 1 Issue 2, p7; Note: Update Code: 3100; Subject Term: LIBRARY orientation; Subject Term: INTERNET; Subject Term: LIBRARIANS; Author-Supplied Keyword: Library instruction; Number of Pages: 9p. Document Type: Article
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Retrieved Date:January 1, 1970
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Issn Isbn: 10875301
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