Ref Type: Journal Article
Authors: Schatz,Bruce, Chen,Hsinchun,
Title: Building large-scale digital libraries
Publication Full: Computer (IEEE)
Year: 1996 Volume: 29 Issue: 5
Start Page: 22 Other Pages: 26
Descriptors: LIBRARY materials — Digitization, RESEARCH, Electronic libraries, Information infrastructure,
This article surveys the project survey sites under the flagship research effort for the National Information Infrastructure (NII) on digital libraries. These are: Carnegie Mellon Univ., Univ of California at Berkeley, Univ. of California at Santa Barbara, Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Univ. of Michigan, and Stanford Univ. The various approaches of the projects are described, for example, the Carnegie Mellon and Santa Barbara projects plan to provide the ability to manipulate new media that were previously impossible to index and search. The Information Infrastructure Technology and Applications Working Group research agenda is summarized.
ID: 247; M3: Article; Schatz, B 1; Chen, H; Affiliations: 1: Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, IL Source Info: May 1996, Vol. 29 Issue 5, p22; Note: Update Code: 3100; Subject Term: LIBRARY materials — Digitization; Subject Term: RESEARCH; Author-Supplied Keyword: Electronic libraries; Author-Supplied Keyword: Information infrastructure; Number of Pages: 5p. Document Type: Article
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