Full Record – Year

Ref Type: Journal Article

Authors: Tenopir,Carol, Neufang,Ralf,

Title: Electronic reference options: tracking the changes

Publication Full: Online

Year: 1995 Volume: 19 Issue: 4

Start Page: 67-73 Other Pages: NULL

Descriptors: Reference services/Automation, Research libraries/Reference services, Surveys/Reference services, Association of Research Libraries, Association of Research Libraries/Surveys, Libraries (8231), Libraries and Archives (51412), Business, Library & Information Science,


The results of a survey of academic library members of the Association of Research Libraries regarding electronic research services are discussed.


PD: Graph; Table

Links: Full Text HTML HTML: http://vnweb.hwwilsonweb.com/hww/jumpstart.jhtml?recid=0bc05f7a67b1790ef1c842b51c5cf5a4f77ffccea97628e26a402e3a1ae357db158d09ce2f5fbce1&fmt=H

Extra Data: NULL


Retrieved Date:January 1, 1970

Editors: NULL

Book Title: NULL

Series Title: NULL

Publisher: NULL

Place Of Publication: NULL

Issn Isbn: 0146-5422

URL: [20]

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Issn Isbn: [41]