Full Record – Year

Ref Type: Journal Article

Authors: Westwood,Karen,

Title: Lights! Camera! Action!

Publication Full: American Libraries

Year: 1997 Volume: 27 Issue: 1

Start Page: 43 Other Pages: 45

Descriptors: PRISONERS, INTERACTIVE television, LIBRARY outreach programs, Services for, MINNESOTA, UNITED States,


Reports on the use of interactive television (ITV) by the Law Library Service to Prisoners (LLSP) in Minnesota. The LLSP as part of the Outreach Services Department of the Minnesota State Law Library; Reference service that is provided to Moose Lake Correctional Facility; The LLSP's criteria in choosing to try ITV reference interviewing; Problems that have been encountered.; Reports on the use of interactive television (ITV) by the Law Library Service to Prisoners (LLSP) in Minnesota. The LLSP as part of the Outreach Services Department of the Minnesota State Law Library; Reference service that is provided to Moose Lake Correctional Facility; The LLSP's criteria in choosing to try ITV reference interviewing; Problems that have been encountered.


M3: Article; Westwood, Karen; Source Information: Jan97, Vol. 27 Issue 1, p43; Subject Term: PRISONERS; Subject Term: INTERACTIVE television; Subject Term: LIBRARY outreach programs; Subject Term: Services for; Subject Term: MINNESOTA; Subject Term: UNITED States; Number of Pages: 3p; Illustrations: 1c; Document Type: Article; Full Text Word Count: 1550

Links: NULL

Extra Data: NULL


Retrieved Date:January 1, 1970

Editors: NULL

Book Title: NULL

Series Title: NULL

Publisher: American Library Association

Place Of Publication: NULL

Issn Isbn: 29769

URL: [20]

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