Ref Type: Journal Article
Authors: Whitwell,S. C., Magpantay,J. Andrew,
Title: Internet Public Library: Same metaphors, new service
Publication Full: American Libraries
Year: 1997 Volume: 28 Issue: 2
Start Page: 56 Other Pages: 59
Interviews members of the Internet Public Library staff. Interviewees include Schelle Simcox, Sarah Ryan, David Carter, Nettie Lagace, and Michael McClennen. How they view the IPL's role; Organization of IPL. INSETS: The future of the book, by S.C.A.W;Counting patrons.; Interviews members of the Internet Public Library staff. Interviewees include Schelle Simcox, Sarah Ryan, David Carter, Nettie Lagace, and Michael McClennen. How they view the IPL's role; Organization of IPL. INSETS: The future of the book, by S.C.A.W;Counting patrons.
M3: Interview; S.C.A.W. Magpantay, J. Andrew; Source Information: Feb97, Vol. 28 Issue 2, p56; Subject Term: LIBRARIANS; Subject Term: INTERVIEWS; Number of Pages: 4p; Illustrations: 1c; Document Type: Interview; Full Text Word Count: 2830
Links: NULL
Extra Data: NULL
Retrieved Date:January 1, 1970
Editors: NULL
Book Title: NULL
Series Title: NULL
Publisher: American Library Association
Place Of Publication: NULL
Issn Isbn: 29769
URL: [20]
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